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Sync 2.3 to 3 upgrade problems on 17 Escape (error codes)


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I have been having issues upgrading SYNC with navigation on my Escape. I downloaded onto my computer and followed the directions from Ford's website. I then copied as directed to a USB drive and proceeded to attempt an installation. Each time I did, the display immediately came up with one of the following errors: LST_ERR04 or LST_ERR05. I reformatted my USB and tried several times with the same result. I even downloading onto my MAC and followed those specific instructions with another USB stick. The results were the same.

I contact Ford support and we tried several things including a manual extraction of the zip files. This did not resolve the problem and it has now been escalated up to Ford technical support. 

Have any of you seen this and resolved it?  Thanks

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Yes, I think I know problem - and believe the error message is saying that it can not find the files that it is being instructed to load; which means you possibly do not have them located in the correct directory format.


As you have said above, you do need to unzip the file you downloaded and then copy across to the USB.


When you are viewing the USB, you should see the file called autoinstall.lst and DONTINDX.MSA, a directory called SyncMyRide.

You should not have anything else.


When you go into the SyncMyRide directory, you should then see your install files, which all end in .gz  


My guess is your Sync us opening up the autoinstall.lst file and is reading the list of files to install, but can not find them.


For example, this is the sort of line you will see in the autoinstall file



Item1 = HB5T-14G386-THA
Open1 = SyncMyRide\HB5T-14G386-THA.tar.gz



It is expecting to file the file HB5T-14G386-THA.tar.gz in a directory off of root that is exactly called SyncMyRide



I hope this gives you enough clues to see what is going on and address - good luck and please share how you go!





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Hi amrbme. I can tell you that the instructions on my two previous SYNC 3 upgrades this year (the second one approximately a month ago), stated to download the SYNC 3 upgrade file to the computer. Then unzip the file. Then move those files to the USB.


Good luck.

Edited by bbf2530
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Unzip on your computer, and then copy across to the USB.


When you then check the USB, you should only see the files called autoinstall.lst and DONTINDX.MSA, and the directory called SyncMyRide.

Within the SyncMyRide directory, you should then see your install files, which all end in .gz  



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The autoinstall.lst is a text file that you can see what files and where it's looking for them.

the DONTINDX.MSA is just a 0k file that the system sees so that it does not try in index the files.

from there you should have the  SyncMyRide folder containing the needed files mentioned in the autoinstall.lst file  (like asteele shows)


ALSO, the USB drive HAS to be a USB 2.0 drive, a 3.0 will not work for the updates

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Actually, in my experience the newer the USB drive the better.


An old drive can take 20 to 40 minutes to copy the files across, and you get no indication that anything is happening - and many pull out the USB during the copy progress.


It is only after the copy has completed that you then get a "system update in progress" message.


A new USB is so much faster, so the copy can take approx 5 mins.

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Thanks again for all your suggestions. Unfortunately, when I unzip the files using WinZip, I do not see any files with the .gz extension.  Below is the list showing 23 files under the syncmyride folder. (post extraction)


When I try and unzip these files individually, I end up with files with a .sec extension but not .gz What the heck am I missing?



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3 hours ago, amrbme17 said:

Thanks again for all your suggestions. Unfortunately, when I unzip the files using WinZip, I do not see any files with the .gz extension.  Below is the list showing 23 files under the syncmyride folder. (post extraction)


When I try and unzip these files individually, I end up with files with a .sec extension but not .gz What the heck am I missing?





Hi amrbme17. Not sure why you have so many files listed. Unless the process is different and there are much larger files involved in upgrading from 2.3. to 3.0, you ae opening too many files.


The  process when I have upgraded my SYNC 3 (twice so far), and as asteele mentioned, is as follows: After you unzip the zipped file you downloaded from the Ford or Lincoln owner websites, you should have 3 files. They will look something like this:






You then transfer those 3 files to your USB drive. You don't open/unzip them.


Then you transfer the entire, unzipped, downloaded update folder to your USB.



So if performed correctly, your USB will have 4 listings and look somewhat like this:







Your exact file names and letters may vary, but that is it.  Only 4 file or folder listings. You do not open those files. You will then follow the instructions to insert that USB into your vehicle with only those 4 files on it.


My apologies beforehand if the process varies and the number of files is much greater due to you upgrading from SYNC 2.3 to SYNC 3.0. But I believe you opening files you should not is part of your problem.


Let us know how you make out and good luck.

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So your USB looks exactly like this?





and if you go into the SyncMyRide folder, you see this?







I am showing the install for build 19149, so there will be some name and file size differences, but the concept doesn't change.





If you open the autoinstall.lst file, you are seeing something like this?





Edited by asteele
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Something is wrong with either the main zip file you are working with, or in how it is being unzipped.


How are you unzipping?


Actually, all you need to do is to use Windows Explorer to unzip the files. Best way to do that is to double-click on the zip file itself and see how Windows Explorer expands whats in the zipfile just like you are browsing a normal directory.  You should be able to continue and click into the SyncMyRide folder also, and I am sure you should see the files as per my screenshot, not as per your screenshot!  Hopefully you agree! Select all those files and click copy - then go to your USB SyncMyRide folder and paste.  Now delete all those rogue .cab and .zip files that shouldn't be there; and I am hoping you now have something closer to our good screenshots, with just the .gz files remaining.


You actually even leave those rogue files there - as SYNC is only going to look for the files that are listed in the autoinstall file anyway.


I hope I have described this clearly enough.


Edited by asteele
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asteele. Thanks for your patience and assistance. What I have shown you is based on exactly what you instructed. I opened the downloaded zip file with Windows Explorer and did a printscreen of the files shown in the folder. A


I am using Windows 10.


I am not sure how comfortable you are with the following request and understand if you don't want to do it. If I give you my Ford login, would you be wiling to download the file and expand it. If everything looks like you have described it, would you be willing to e-mail it to me?





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Thanks for your assistance. Unfortunately, all is see are .zip and .cab files. When I unzip them, there are all types of files embedded under each zip but none end in .gz. It's been frustrating and I hate go to my dealer. (they are pretty useless when it comes to SYNC). Ford tech support was also not helpful. I guess I'll keep trying to figure this out.

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