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About apg1979

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. ok that makes sense then. damn i was hoping there was a simpler way to add that other than a whole new head unit. The 3 model looks nice but super pricey so probably not worth it. I can use my phone for maps but not a simple spot to put the phone in that model (other than the cd player mount type i guess) thanks for the help!
  2. so what is the purpose of the "where am i?" section out of curiosity? 911 location i thought possibly? so if thats what i'm seeing it wouldnt make a difference even if i got an SD card, right? assumed i'd need a whole new head unit to get navigation
  3. one other update i've learned.....our screen show "Information" in the upper right instead of "Navigation" so maybe i DONT actually have nav on this model i'm thinking? weird part is in the INformation section theres a "where am i" part and shows me coordinates so it seemed like we might have it (since it has the gps to give coordinates) but i'm not sure
  4. we just bought a 2014 Edge SEL with what i believe is the my sync touch. All seems to work ok except when we go into navigation it does not display maps at all. It shows our coordinates but blank screen for maps. I apologize if this is a super simple question for this but what would we need to get this fixed ? thank you for the help!
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