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Everything posted by jskinder

  1. 4 hours? thats a record, Mine is on its 4th day coming Monday and they can't get the files to take, what a bunch of crap
  2. My hand is up about the fuse thing, I to dropped mine behind it but I went a step further and made sure the spare fell back there to, then I had to remove the kick panel and all dumb place for a fuse box
  3. After reading these issues with the update they are now doing I am alittle worried but going for it and will see what happens. May the force be with you
  4. Who would have thought this would be such a big deal to fix. It was dialing the wrong number from the get go and now its taking out everything in its path when they try and fix it. I don't think the wrong number is the issue though because they gave me the other number it should dial and doing that manualy, you get the same result a recording. I think Ford owes us owners big time and put in a real GPS system instead of this Sync Service junk
  5. I already have my vehicle registered and seeing many others with the same problem just can't believe how long this has been going on with no answers
  6. After owning the vehicle for a month now, I am no where any closer to getting the synce service fixed. Its been to 2 dealers and been waiting for 3 weeks now for a couple of parts that one dealer says is the problem. Has anyone else gotten any help from their dealer and what was the fix? I would really like to just take this back, I can't be the only one out here with a 2011 Edge.
  7. I have a droid and Synced up to our 2011 Edge ok. I do know you have to enter it in rather quickly. If that don't work, might talk to the carrier
  8. I want to congradulate you on having a syn system that sort of works. I have a 2011 that the service doesn't work, it is something with the module and dialing the wrong number. I have been back and forth with Ford Sync and the dealer. 3 weeks and still no resolved issues. I would call Ford Sync and complain and they will open a incident ticket.
  9. I have a 2011 Edge and the Sync turn by turn has not worked yet. I have been back and forth with Ford, and Sync and Sync says take it to dealer to reprogram the Sync Module. Ford says they know there is an issue and working on a solution. But yet they take the vehicle, tie it up all day, knowing they won't fix it until Ford gives them the fix.
  10. I have a 2011 Edge as well and was told the same thing, it was only a voice turn by turn system. But I havent heard it yet because it hasn't worked since I bought it 2 weeks ago. I have had it to 2 different dealers. They work on it and then tell me it is a Ford issuse. Why are they trying to work on something they don't have a fix for yet? I can't be the only 2011 owner out there that has this issue and they can't tell me dealerships haven't seen it yet. So I wait.
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