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Found 3 results

  1. I have 16gb of music on my MP3 player...but when I connect it to SYNC and tell it to shuffle, it invariably shuffles between only 50 or so songs. If I tell it to "Explore USB" and then "Play All," it will choose seemingly random songs for a little while, but then inevitably goes back to choosing the sames songs over and over again. I thought that perhaps it was choosing songs from only one folder. I currently have a Sandisk Fuze, which allows me to add music to it via drag-and-drop, so at one point I was just adding whole folders full of music. To experiment, I deleted everything and added only individual songs to its "Music" folder. It didn't help. I also tried a "Master Reset," and again, that worked for a little while, and then the same 50 songs started to come up again. There are hundreds of songs on my player that SYNC has never, ever played on its own in shuffle mode. This also happened when I used an iPod. Has anyone else experienced this? Why does it keep going back to the same songs?
  2. This is how it works, but it is NOT how it should work. When I choose Shuffle and All (Album is grayed out) the system only randomly plays a portion of the list and then stops. Long explanation below. Bottom line, it will skip a large number of the songs in the playlist and never play them... sigh Create Playlists in Windows Media Player. Sort the list Alphabetically just for convenience. Load into 2013 Sync (all latest updates applied). Re-index the music and all ready to go. Pick a Playlist with 90 songs in it and start playing song #1 in the list. If I do NOT use Shuffle, the songs play in order 1,2,3,etc. showing 1/90, 2/90, 3/90, etc. Then, select Shuffle and All. Now, the same song that was #1 (1/90) before shows as 27/90 and then it randomly plays the songs listing them as 28/90, 29/90, etc. NOW, the bad part, when it gets to 90/90 it just STOPS. That's it. 27 songs in the Playlist are never played... randomly never played, but skipped nonetheless. It is definitely "shuffling" the songs it does play. If I go and check the actual song number from the Playlist they are not being played in sorted (alpha in this case) order as they were without Shuffle. This is NOT how it SHOULD work. 1/90 should always be 1/90 and on Shuffle it should jump around like 23/90, 88/90, 2/90, etc. until ALL 90 songs are played. That's how it works on virtually ALL music players I have or have used... except this one. Is this a BUG I have found or am I missing something?
  3. Sorry if this has already been addressed, but I didn't see anything with it. When my iPod is plugged in to the USB on my '12 Focus, it says it's on shuffle, and is fine for a couple songs, but then starts playing songs in alphabetical order. Again, the screen says it's on shuffle, so I don't know why it does this, but it's reallyyyyy annoying. Any ideas? I've heard someone saying to reset the device through sync...would that work, and how is that done? Thanks in advance!
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