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ENZODAST last won the day on March 25 2019

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  1. So I don't think this will happen but if I replace my battery will technology revert back to sync 1? Recently did the update to sync 3 so I think it's now hard coded into the computer but not sure if a battery replaced does a factory reset on the computer system.
  2. Everything seems to work well now. One annoying thing when using AA is the radio doesn't mute. I've seen others complain about this also and they're just muting or lowering the radio volume which works but not ideal. After now only one commute using AA with waze I'm a big fan. big big fan.
  3. Thanks Ben. I just did the update and am now on sync 3. Only issue I'm noticing is the navigation button doesn't work anymore. Maybe the website gave me the non navigation version somehow?
  4. I have automatic updates on. I'm connected to WiFi. I can't get it to update.... Shows software version 1.0. build 15139
  5. It is on my phone and my car is connected to home WiFi so I think it's updated. I'll check the version number tonight and reply back. It would be great if it's simply an upgrade I'm missing. I know waze is a new app. I also wish there were more sync 3 apps than the ones online. Only like 7 or 8 random ones look to be available currently. I have WebEx on my phone and that integrated no idea how that would even work.
  6. So I just bought a 16 navigator. I was under the impression sync 3 offered waze integration and Android auto, I have neither. Do I need to buy a 17 model year or newer vehicle to get this? Why wouldn't these be available with a system update? I keep my phone plugged in mostly in the car and can't find the waze app or Android auto app anywhere. Please help!
  7. Hey everyone New to the forum. Just bought a 16 navigator and have questions about the sync 3 system. For the life of me I can't find how to create quick/speed dials. This is such a basic function I really can't believe this system doesn't have it. Am I missing something? I get the voice input works but it's no where near as fast as having your favorites available to you quickly from the display. The concept of typing in someone's name is good for people you don't call often but close family and friends that I talk to daily I want faster access to. How do I do this?
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