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FordEscape2012SYNC last won the day on March 18 2013

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About FordEscape2012SYNC

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  1. That Worked !!!! Thanks so much!! I will be sure to tell my anti-ford friends that the Sync lady in my vehicle is not just another pretty voice. (Did the happy dance after it worked) lol
  2. I have a 2012 Ford Escape. The USB with Sync works but only if I plug it in before the truck is started. I have several USB devices (different music on each) and they all work as long as they are plugged in before the truck is started. Once the truck is started and I remove the USB Device and replace it with another I get the message "SYNC Line In" and nothing happens. Even if I put back the USB device I had just removed, I would still get the same message "SYNC Line In" and of course then on removal "USB Removed". This is my first Ford and I was warned before I bought one lol but I didn't listen. What is the problem? How can I solve this?
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