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About JediBoyTJ

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  1. Did you try just using the USB input for audio? Thats what I tend to use the most other than bluetooth. I probably dont have a good answer for why the aux input isn't working well. The only thing I can think of is it not making a good connection. I would make sure the cable is plugged in all the way. I know in my car its kind of a tight connection and it requires an extra push to get it to snap in all the way,
  2. Just tested in a Windows environment, same error, can not download
  3. Thanks for the reply, I have tried on multiple computers. However, they are all Macs (on the latest OS 10.12). I have tried Safari and Chrome, same issue occurs. I used the same computer (desktop iMac) to download the 4.4 update and put it on the flash drive last year, and had zero issues with that. I have access to a Windows computer, but not until later. I'll try on that and see if anything changes. Thanks, Tim
  4. Hi Guys, I updated my 2012 MKZ to SYNC 4.4 about a year ago (right before it was pulled for being buggy). Thankfully, I haven't had the issues most people had with it (other than the Bluetooth audio resume feature working intermittently). I saw last week that they finally released SYNC 4.6 for my vehicle! However, every time I go to the owner.lincoln.com site, log in, then click on the "Download SYNC Update" button, I get the error "This service is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later" once the page loads. Now the page still loads to the instructions on how to install, so I went ahead and ran the Vehicle Health Report as it states in Step 1. Step 2 is the request for the download, I click it and it says "Check your inbox in a few minutes. We're preparing your update now. As soon as its ready, we will send you a link to return to this page...". Then once I click Ok I get the same error as before "This service is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later". No email ever arrives. What should I do, should I just continue waiting and checking every couple of days? Is it even worth it to reach out to Ford?
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