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Everything posted by bgrover

  1. no, it will bring up the google assistant. If I say Phone or dial someone , it attempts to do an internet search
  2. On a 2020 Edge, 200 miles Sync3. I had phones working properly with Bluetooth and data\android auto AA. Now this afternoon I lost the voice dial feature while plugged into the usb port. When i push the voice button on the steering wheel, instead of allowing me to say a command "Dial Jim" it will now bring up google assistant, essentially killing the voice dial. This is a new behavior and it is the same on two different phones. I performed a factory reset on the car and erased the cashe on the phones. I can unplug the usb and it will perform properly. Also, if I attempt to exit AA on the screen and push the phone button at the bottom, it will bring up the phone in AA instead of the Bluetooth. Any help will be appreciated!
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