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Everything posted by curlysir

  1. Press the N arrow symbol in the upper left corner of the screen to switch between views. One is a semi-3d type view.
  2. The update appears to solve most problems that people are having. A lot of the problems seem to be related to blue tooth related items. I purchased my Edge in October 2010 and had no significant problems. Had the update attempt in early December and the system was wiped out and was non functional for about 2 weeks as Ford and the dealer got some of the bugs in the process worked out. The 2nd attempt was successful and has been working for about a month with the new update. Successful updates appear to be the norm now, but I will not be so quick to get an update next time, I feel like I was a BETA tester for Ford on the update. This is new TECH and will evolve. Ford finally seems to be getting a handle around some of the problems. Now if the dealers can just catch up. Most dealers don't have the technical type (computer knowledgeable) people to handle the MFT system. The dealer where I bought mine uses a contract radio tech that does the work for several dealers and he is getting quiet an education on the system. If you are not comfortable with computers this might not be a system you want. I build computers as a hobby and I am quiet happy with the system but I can see where some might not be comfortable with it. But after using the system for about 3 months it has become as comfortable to use as the old knobs. I am not worried about reliability as I bought a 7 year Ford extended warranty with full coverage.
  3. I Sync with my LG420G and my wife's LG420G without any problems. Phonebooks download without any problems.
  4. The dealer has to do the BD update, no other way, they have to connect to the Ford server so they know what options to install per your VIN. This update is a complete reload (almost 3GB according to the dealer) of the entire system and will take 2 to 5 hours if you are lucky. If not it may take a week or two. The dealer and Ford wiped my system out the first time and it was a week before the download was ready from the Ford server. in all fairness, Ford does seem to have gotten their act together on the update and don't seem to be having the major problems they were having at first. What took the most time on my system was the Tech getting the Navigation System and information system working. I have not had major problems downloading the user installed updates from the syncmyride site as long as I am using Internet Explorer.
  5. As the BE is an update to the BD you may have the answer. Hopefully the server is "Smart Enough" to not let you download the BE until the BD is installed. I had my update about 2 weeks ago and everything is working as it should. I didn't have any trouble downloading BE after I switched to Internet Explorer.
  6. I would get a 4GB at a minimum, these drives are cheap now but I would got necessarily buy the cheapest you can fine. I have several and I always quick format the drive before I download one of these files. This particular file is about 250 MB when downloaded to the flash drive.
  7. Just downloaded and installed. I had to use Internet Explorer, the sync site does not appear to like Firefox. The installation screen said something about a service pack. If you do this download and install, be patient as it takes around 15 to 20 minutes to install. The following is from my installation history on the Sync site: BT4T-14D544-BE SYNC GEN 2 BT4T-14D544-BE CI 1/4/2011 BT4T-14D544-BD SYNC GEN 2 BT4T-14D544-BD CU 1/4/2011 BT4T-14D544-BE SYNC GEN 2 BT4T-14D544-BE CI 1/4/2011 BT4T-14D544-BE SYNC GEN 2 BT4T-14D544-BE DFI 1/4/2011 BT4T-14D544-BE SYNC GEN 2 BT4T-14D544-BE RFI 1/4/2011 I already had the dealer installed update BD on my system so if you don't have that update yet I would talk to my dealer before I downloaded and tried to install.
  8. They kept mine for 3 days the first time around. Then spent almost 2 weeks trying to get the download to work. When I took it in earlier this week it took them a total of 5 hours, 3 of which was getting the Navigation system and info system to work.
  9. From what I could gather from the Tech doing my upgrade they have to connect to Ford to verify what options go with your vehicle according to your VIN. This is more then a small update, it is a complete reload of the system, it is a 3GB file that they downloaded from Ford for the upgrade.
  10. Finally (2nd attempt) got a successful update today. It took a total of 5 hours to get everything working correct. The download to the system took less then 2 hours. System was booting and had all function except for Navigation and the sync information function. The tech spent the next 3 hours working with Ford to get the Nav and information working. He had to download and install some additional files by usb flash drive. Weather was in the 80's today and he was working about 25 feet from an outside waiting area so I got to watch from a good vantage point the whole show. I think this was the first system that he had actually taken all the way to completion. As I was getting ready to go on a ride with the Service Manager to see if all was working, we got a phone call from the tech that he had to do a "calibration" to finish the job. So we waited for him to show up and it took about 15 minutes to complete. As far as I can tell everything is working correctly except for the Ambient Lighting problem (Blue & Green lights reversed). Response is quicker, and voice commands appear to respond better, screens are a little different, night light (8" screen) now goes off when exterior lights do. Really didn't a chance to test everything as I was driving home in Dallas rush hour traffic and that is not the best time to be checking things. Was able to sync my phone before I left the dealer without a problem. If I find any problems will report back but for now this does seem to a worthwhile upgrade.
  11. I like the way this situation is trending. Maybe Ford has finally got an update and procedure that works. I may call the dealer tomorrow and see if I can attempt to get the upgrade on Friday instead of next week. They couldn't screw it up any more then it is now!!
  12. Got a call from the dealer with a little bit of good news. They pulled a new car off the lot and tried the upgrade today and finally got it to complete. This is the first upgrade that they have successfully done. Said it took 4 hours and everything appears to be working. They want to try a couple more of their vehicles to get the procedure down before they try mine. The dealer says that the process show go quicker now that they have the first one completed, don't fully understand that but will give them the benefit of a doubt. If the others go good they will do mine early next week. This is the first sign of progress I have seen and hope they are not blowing smoke up my rear. Still semi patiently waiting (As If I Have A Choice)
  13. Good new! At least there is some light at the end of the tunnel. I talked to the Service Manager today and they are talking to Ford but I haven't heard back from them. They did admit that they have not been able to successfully complete an update yet. That bothers me as this is one of the biggest dealers in the area and has a good reputation for service and not trying to put the screws to you too bad.
  14. The ones that are lucky enough to get the complete update seem to be pleased with it. However there are several like me that the update does not complete and it completely wipes out the system. I guess that is what I get for trying to be one of the first to update, my system before was pretty well trouble free except for a few minor problems like the screen staying on when the doors were opened. Hopefully Ford will get the problems worked out. I intend to call the dealer tomorrow and see what the status is. I think my dealer is fairly component but I know how internet connections can screw up things.
  15. The one thing that really bugs (besides the fact my Sync system is wiped out) is the fact that Ford or whoever does not have a way to backup and restore the existing system. That is absolutely the dumbest thing I have seen in a long time. That would be like not keeping a backup of your data on a computer, sooner or later you are going to have a crash. It is not if it is when. I build computers as a hobby and I always playing with new stuff and have on several occasions wiped out my system. I keep a external hard drive next to my computer and do a complete backup at least once a week. Backing up the Sync could be done to a USB flash drive or the dealer could back it up to his system before starting the upgrade. I really don't understand why they don't have a way to backup the system.
  16. Sitting here reading this and laughing at your pain. How did your remove the kick panel? I would like to retrieve the fuse, anal I know, but stuff like that bugs me. Yes the fuse panel was not well thought out. I love the location of the hood release cable!
  17. Go to the Ford site and use the build and price option, it will help you see all the different packages. Unfortunately if you want certain options you have to go to the Lariet package as certain options are not available on the SEL.
  18. No such luck, I also tried a master reset but no luck. And these new (at least to me) Low Profile Mini Fuses are a pain in the rear. I dropped mine when I went to put it back in and in went behind the lower cover, I had to pull the spare and use it. I started looking for a fuse to replace the spare when I discovered all my stock of fuses are the standard Mini fuse not the low profile. So I head off to the parts store to buy some and discover that the low profile fuses are not as well stocked as the standard mini. I ended up buying an assortment package with one each of the 6 normally used sizes. The parts store did have a five pack of the 20 so I picked it up also. So you may want to pick up some spares next time you are at a parts store just in case. Just remember they are the Low Profile Mini fuses not just Mini fuses.
  19. Good luck, as long as you are going in with both eyes open and aware of what may happen. I knew I was taking a chance my being one of the first "beta" testers for the new upgrade so I was not totally surprised when it failed. Hopefully they can get the procedure working this next week. The Edge ain't much fun to drive without Sync and the other stuff it controls. And I have pulled fuse 29 and damn these new low profile fuses, I dropped mine behind the lower cover when I was putting it back in and had to use the spare. The fuse panel is in a terrible position for quick access.
  20. When I first started looking at new cars I had the same question. I went with the 2011. The 2011 had a complete make over. The 2011 has a new design engine with I think 20 more HP without losing any fuel mileage. The front end has been completely redone. There are other differences and in my opinion the 2011 Edge is worth the extra $. There are some problems with the Touch and Sync system, but Ford will eventually get that fixed. Get the vehicle with the options you want as the Navigation system and probably most other features can not be added at a later date.
  21. I have the same situation as you, anything that worked by SYNC or My Ford Touch is hosed after the attempt at an upgrade. Does your radio work? Mine won't shut off even when the vehicle is shut off and the doors open. I have to lock the doors with the remote and wait for about 10 seconds for the radio to shut off. It will not shut off if I don't lock the doors.
  22. I have lost all functionally of the SYNC system after the attempt to do the upgrade. The upgrade did not work and I have basically a non functional system. The only control I have over the climate system, radio, phone is what is available by the steering wheel controls. Also no Navigational system or backup camera. The dealer doesn't know what to do as they have not been able to successfully update any 2011 Edges with the upgrade to date. They will be contacting Ford Monday and let me know what is next. I am impatiently waiting.
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