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Everything posted by tgara

  1. Wow. If you have to ask this question, all the features are probably going to be too much for ya. Did you ever think to spend some quality time with the owner's manual?
  2. I made one for my Lincoln LS a few years ago. Why don't you make one and post it for all of us here!
  3. Mine is a 2009 Lincoln MKS and it has the info feature described above. It was cool to set the weather map at 500 miles and track a storm. You could actually touch the storm icon (when in park of course) and it would give you the name and current heading. Very impressive.
  4. Unfortunately, Sync is not good at handling extensions. If you do a search here or on Syncmyride.com, you will find others in the same situation as you. I think someone may have posted a solution, though. It's worth a search.
  5. I can use the number keys on my navigation screen. Works great!
  6. This has been discussed many times before. Do a search for the solution.
  7. First check to see what version you have now. Refer to your OM. For a 2010 model, you may already have the latest version. If you need to upgrade, you can get it from the syncmyride.com website. Set up an account if you have not done so already, and you can download the upgrade files to a USB thumb drive and install it yourself. There are instructions on that website that walks you through how to do it. Alternatively, if you are technically challenged, you can ask the dealer to do this (at a cost of course).
  8. What versions of Sync are in the Truck and MKS, respectively?
  9. I would go with the OEM cable that came with your iPod. That's what I use and it works fine. Some folks try to use different cables, but by and large the do not work as well.
  10. Ah, thanks for that. I wasn't sure because Apple NEVER calls the iPod Touch an iTouch, but some people do and it leads to complete confusion. Anyway, what was the original question??
  11. It must mean that the street name is not in the database. Try looking for a different street.
  12. Pulse, I am not surprised the dealer is having difficulties. My Lincoln dealer had some problems downloading the update too. The problem is that Ford has set up so many firewalls and logins to access the software, it is very difficult for the dealers. The tech guys at my dealer are pretty good and they eventually got it, but it took a couple days. For you, I would insist they keep trying or have them contact Ford for help, because it CAN be done. If all else fails, take it to another dealer.
  13. Have you tried pulling the fuse on Sync to reboot it? That has worked for several people with problems similar to yours. Not sure where the fuse is on your car, but the OM should tell you. Good luck.
  14. Yeah, Blackberries don't do text with Sync. Re Pandora, it works fine. Here's how I set it up: First, I'm assuming you have your BB already paired with Sync. Check to make sure that your BB is configured to send audio to Sync via bluetooth. Check this by going into the Options menu on the Blackberry, choose Bluetooth, then Sync. There should be a check box that says Audio Source or something similar. Make sure that is checked, and save those settings. Next, make sure Sync set to BTST (Bluetooth Streaming Audio) on the Media device tab. Turn on Pandora, then once the music starts, choose options under the Blackberry menu on your device. Select Bluetooth, and then the music should stream from your device to the vehicle.
  15. Sure, but it will cost thousands.
  16. It's the tu-tone paint on your truck. No other explanation makes sense.
  17. Try deleting the Sync bluetooth profile from your PHONE, take the battery out for a couple minutes, and then reinstall and re-pair your phone with Sync in the car. This worked for my Blackberry.
  18. I guess Whisky has been on the sauce too much, because there are clearly no functioning brain cells or common sense left. For Ford, it's not a question of accuracy because the speedometers are accurate enough, but rather why go through the expense and complexity of adding a redundant readout. I can see why you would perhaps want it on a portable device, but on a car that already has a speed readout? Why?
  19. The status checker is not a critical piece of software for Sync. I asked the Sync people about this a couple of years ago, and they said not to worry about it -- they only use it to see what version of Sync you have. As long as your profile at Syncmyride.com says you have the latest version of Sync (whatever that is -- 2.1, 3.1, etc., depending on your vehicle), you'll be fine.
  20. Since you just upgraded the software on the MKX, you should delete the Bluetooth pairings from your phone AND the MKX and start fresh. This should solve the problem you are having with your phone. Not sure about the flash drive, but you may want to do a full reset on the iPod and see if that helps the connectivity.
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