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Everything posted by bbf2530

  1. Hi Joe. Take a look here: https://www.ford.com/support/sync-and-technology/applink/ Also, I believe you can you can find compatible apps in your FordPass phone app (I can on the LincolnWay version), if you have it installed on your smartphone. I don't see YouTube. Good luck.
  2. Hi Snakeight. I can not explain why now. Could be due to an incompatibility between the latest Spotify version and SYNC. Or any of a multitude of other reasons. However, you can find the reset procedure for your particular vehicle in the SYNC section of your Owners Manual. You can probably find the correct page by looking in the Index under '"SYNC', then "Reset" (or similar terms). If you don't have your hard copy, you can download the PDF version here: https://www.fleet.ford.com/parts-service/resources/owner-manuals/ Let us know how you make out and good luck.
  3. Hi Snyper. Could be a bad/failed APIM. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=Ford+SYNC+1+APIM Good luck.
  4. Hi Snakeight. What version of SYNC (find it in the General/Settings tabs on your SYNC screen)? If this is only occurring with Spotify, then it would seem to be an issue with overall Spotify compatibility itself, as opposed to SYNC. Assuming your phone and Spotify app are fully updated, you could try a SYNC System Master Reset. However, I'm not sure it will help, and then you will need to re-pair phones, input favorite stations again, etc. etc. Hopefully another member who has seen this issue will jump in with a better solution. Keep us updated ad good luck.
  5. Hi RH. Aha...now that is a very good reason. ? Enjoy your upcoming retirement and good luck.
  6. Hi RH. Perhaps there is a reason I am not aware of, but why don't you just copy the music files from the SSD directly over to the USB stick/drive? Set and forget, instead of ripping each CD individually. Good luck.
  7. Hi Evan. When you start your vehicle and insert the USB drive, exactly what happens? How long did you leave the USB plugged in before removing it? Let us know and good luck.
  8. HI Muzicman. Ford/Lincoln release updated NAV map versions annually. The NAV map updates are usually released/offered around mid-July/early August of each year. The update was a little late this year, likely due to the pandemic. For everyone's information: The 5 year subscription cost is $199 for the 5 digital download version and $239 for the 5 year, mailed USB version. The single year update via digital download is $109 and the single year, mailed USB update is $149. So if a Lincoln/Ford owner forecasts they will update 2 or more times in 5 years, it is less expensive to order the 5 year subscription. If you think you will only update once in 5 years, order the single year update. And my opinion: For those not entirely comfortable with computers, downloading/transferring files etc., pay the extra $40 and order the USB version. Especially if ordering the 5 year subscription. At the very least, you get troubleshooting/tech support (which you do not get with the straight digital download), you will not have to worry about downloading/transferring files etc., plus you will wind up with 5 extra USB flash drives for your own personal use in the end. If comfortable with your computer skills, get the download, but realize they offer no troubleshooting support for the digital downloads, if there is a problem. Here is the SYNC 3 NAV map update website: https://syncnavigation.com/lincoln/home Let us know how you make out and good luck.
  9. Hi Graham. Assuming all necessary settings are enabled in your Drivers Information Center, your best course of action is to set up a service appointment so the issue can be properly diagnosed and corrected. There are no other owner configurable or adjustable settings. Let us know how you make out and good luck.
  10. Hi dd. This is the SYNC 3 section, and your Taurus has SYNC 1, SYNC 2 or MyFordTouch. While this thread may be seen by those familiar with SYNC1/SYNC 2/MyFordTouch, it may be better if you post it lower down in the appropriate SYNC 1/SYNC 2/MyFordTouch sub-forum. Good luck.
  11. Hi alcohenusa. I thought I was on the Ford Fusion Forum when I answered this question. One of the drawbacks of being involved in so many forums and brain clouds. ? That was why I stated SYNC 3 was not available on the Fusion until the 2017 model year. And I was specifically referring only to the Fusion. This is also a good example of why it always helps when a member posts their vehicle model/model year when asking questions. But you are correct that SYNC 3 was available in the 2016 model year on some Ford/Lincoln models. Thanks for catching that and good luck.
  12. Hi nrupert. Multitask hit the nail on the head. The 2016 Fusion was not equipped with SYNC 3 from the factory. The 2016 models were equipped with either SYNC w/MyFord (base models), or SYNC w/MyFord Touch (higher end models). SYNC 3 was not available in the Fusion until the 2017 model year. So if your Fusion has SYNC 3 now, it means a previous owner installed it. Therefore, it is not eligible to download updates from the SYNC 3 update website. You will need someone to supply files to you (as you are trying for), or find another aftermarket solution. Good luck.
  13. Hi Muzicman. No. As BL stated, there is a license file tied to the individual vehicle VIN, which is necessary for the installation. You would not have that license file for your 2017 Fusion, so the installation would fail. Good luck.
  14. Hi Muzicman. No. And they were not different before, other than version different numbers, in order to denote SYNC version. Previously, the NAV map version numbers varied by the middle digit (i.e. NA 1 19 for SYNC 3.0, vs. NA 2 19 for SYNC 3.4). The middle digit only denoted SYNC 3.0 or SYNC 3.4. However, the actual information contained on the maps was the same. Now, the NAV map version numbers are the same. It only means the versions were consolidated. All road/POI etc.information was and still is identical. Good luck.
  15. Hi alcohenusa. Well, that is certainly a twisty new twist. ? I am still trying to decide if I will just skip a year, then get the 5 year subscription when NA 1 or 2 21 come out next year...or get it now. Thanks for the info and good luck.
  16. Hi alcohenusa. Thanks for the information, I am passing it on to others in the MKZ/Fusion/SYNC/Lincoln/Ford forums. Good luck.
  17. Hi alcohenusa. Just saw that same complaint by a member on a Fusion forum who downloaded the update. Looks like a similar issue as the license file fiasco you referred to. I'll post back and let you know if there is any update over there. Let us know if you hear back on your email and good luck.
  18. Hi alcohenusa. Yes, I also just saw that they corrected the website and was coming back to mention it. Good luck.
  19. Hi alcohenusa. Yes, for SYNC 3.0, the "current" version is NA 1 19. The update being offered is NA 1 20. And I am in the same boat as you. First two updates were free (to NA 1 18 and NA 1 19. Now I would need to pay. For SYNC 3.4, the current version is/was NA 2 19. The update version available is NA 2 20. Good luck.
  20. Hi Muzicman. So was I. Plus, I added the Ford SYNC 3 NAV map update website. Good luck.
  21. Hi Muzicman. Yes, as the subject title stated, it is the 2021 SYNC 3 NAV map update. No mention was made of it being "vehicle dependent". I own Lincolns, so linked to the Lincoln SYNC 3 NAV map update website. Ford vehicles have a separate Ford SYNC 3 NAV map update website, located here: https://syncnavigation.com/ford/ Good luck.
  22. Hi Papa. Considering your previous and new information, my first thought is that it is a ZTE compatibility issue. Second guess is going to be a CyanLabs issue/glitch. Or even possibly both. Blind Internet diagnosis, even without several variables, has its limits. ? Keep us updated on what you find and good luck.
  23. Hi Papa. You have two possible issues that jump out. First...Yes, SYNC 3 does have a compatible device list, and perhaps your ZTE phone is not on it (very possible). You can find the list on the Lincoln or Ford owner sites in the SYNC sections. Second, you have used CyanLabs aftermarket software to update your SYNC system, and it is known to have "little" bugs here and there. What model/model year is your vehicle? Why are you using the CyanLabs software? Was your vehicle not equipped with SYNC 3.4 from the factory? Your best bet would be to contact CyanLabs to see if this is a know issue that they have a solution to. Good luck.
  24. Hi mmk. Your posts are a bit confusing. You stated you updated "from the original sync system to a Sync3 with nav". That would lead us to believe your Fusion did not have NAV before. So it is difficult to understand how were you having the same problem (loss of radio volume after NAV voice commands) before you updated, since you did not have NAV before. Anyway...once you used CyanLabs aftermarket SYNC software (which often causes bugs like this), all bets are off as concerning what the problem may be or how to correct it. This is not a problem I have heard of with factory SYNC vehicles, so as Multitask recommended, your best bet would be to contact CyanLabs and see if it is a know issue that they have a resolution for. Let us know how you make out and good luck.
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