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Although they are outdated I have enjoyed playing audiobooks on my Ipod Nano (gen5) via Sync 3 [Sync 3.4, build 23188_PRODUCT]. Up until a week ago I could simply plug the USB to 30-pin cable in and the Ipod would then show under AUDIO>SOURCES. As of a few days ago, that method is no longer working. I have tried debugging by trying a different Ipod and different cables including purchasing a USB-C to 30-pin to try the other connector in the port. As none of these have worked, I am concluding that Ford/Sync3 has quietly removed support. Any help appreciated...Does anyone have any ideas of how to gain this capability back or knowledge of this change? Note: I know Ipods are outdated and I do have the capability to listen on my phone but I do not like how one must use Android Auto to play an audiobook on my phone (with Libby) as then I can't use Ford Navigation which I prefer due to larger screen over similar apps on Android Auto. And my Ipod is alot lighter and easier to carry/clip-on when out walking (i.e. not in the car).
Did you do a master reset after the update? Its pretty much a standard practice after doing a Sync update, its actually one of the first things Sync phone support tells you to do.
My problem is the history never shows previous destinations. It did before I installed the ford issued update from usb. How do I turn it back on. Also frequently I try to use vice calling from my blue tooth attached phone with no address book downloaded. Sometimes it loads fine others, well let’s say I am not happy at those times.
By FordAintFordin · Posted
Hi everyone, I was able to locate my Sync 1/APIM module in my 2015 Fusion. I have the problem where pressing PHONE does nothing, there is no bluetooth, etc. Pulling the fuse does not resolve the issue. Taking the terminals off the battery does nothing. There is no workaround and I need a new module. I have found a few people having luck by replacing this module. There are several SIMILAR ones online I can buy, but I am wondering how specific the model of the APIM needs to be. For example: My Part Number on the APIM is FS7T-14B428-GB. I found one with FS7T-14B428-GA. Notice the difference in the bolded letters. Furthermore, would I be able to get a part that looks exactly the same altogether, but has a completely different part number? Example: DS7T-14B428-AQ. From what I have researched, there is no reprogramming needed and people have success swapping just this part. Thank you all in advance. -
By FordAintFordin · Posted
Hi everyone, I was able to locate my Sync 1/APIM module in my 2015 Fusion. I have the problem where pressing PHONE does nothing, there is no bluetooth, etc. Pulling the fuse does not resolve the issue. Taking the terminals off the battery does nothing. There is no workaround and I need a new module. I have found a few people having luck by replacing this module. There are several SIMILAR ones online I can buy, but I am wondering how specific the model of the APIM needs to be. For example: My Part Number on the APIM is FS7T-14B428-GB. I found one with FS7T-14B428-GA. Notice the difference in the bolded letters. Furthermore, would I be able to get a part that looks exactly the same altogether, but has a completely different part number? Example: DS7T-14B428-AQ. From what I have researched, there is no reprogramming needed and people have success swapping just this part. Thank you all in advance. -
By Brenda Hibbert · Posted
We are having the same issue wanting to access the bottom row. I want to delete all previous phones and nothing gets me there either. Have tried all buttons on the steering wheel and consol. We have a 2018 Escape. Able to get phone added but can't delete others or get the phone book to download. Brenda